
Expertise in the Azerbaijan market- CINCo Group


Azerbaijan Population 10,2 mln GDP 72.4bn USD GDP Growth 1.1% GDP Growth (Industry) 3.7% Inflation 8.8% Azerbaijan's main industries are: Oil and natural gas Petroleum products Oilfield equipment Steel Pig iron Cement Chemicals Petrochemicals Textiles Machinery Cotton Food products Exports account for over 46.8% of GDP. Major export [...]

Expertise in the Azerbaijan market- CINCo Group2024-09-02T13:52:27+02:00

India – De-notification of certain Tariffs


India’s Insurance industry is one of the premium sectors experiencing upward growth. This upward growth of the insurance industry can be attributed to growing incomes and increasing awareness in the industry. India is one of the top 10 largest non-life insurance market in the world's emerging insurance markets, growing at a rate of 14-15% [...]

India – De-notification of certain Tariffs2024-04-08T11:45:36+02:00

New flexible benefits platform launched by REGO Group


New flexible benefits platform launched by REGO Group for Portugal and Spain aims towards changing how employees are compensated PeopleInBest, the latest brand in the flexible benefits sector and Human Resources compensation management, announces its official launch and entry into the Portuguese and Spanish markets. With the aim of providing a personalised extra salary [...]

New flexible benefits platform launched by REGO Group2024-04-08T13:56:18+02:00

Expertise in the Mongolian market – AME CINCo Group


Mongolia Population 3,530,000 GDP 12.4bn GDP Growth 3.5% GDP Growth (Industry) 33.1% Inflation 13% Major Industries construction materials mining (coal, copper, molybdenum, fluorspar, and gold) oil food and beverages processing of animal products Exports now account for more than 40% of GDP. Mongolia depends on China for more [...]

Expertise in the Mongolian market – AME CINCo Group2024-03-06T13:04:06+01:00

China Property Insurance Market Overview 2023


According to statistics from the Chinese National Financial Regulatory Administration, in the first 10 months of the year 2023, the direct insurance premium income of the property insurance industry increased by 7.16% from 2022. This rate is lower than the 9.94% growth in 2022/21. Despite being lower, it is still considered a high growth [...]

China Property Insurance Market Overview 20232024-02-07T12:44:42+01:00

New Compulsory Insurance in Hungary – Environmental Pollution


From the 1st of January, 2024 a new Government Decree on the detailed rules of environmental insurance related to waste management entered into force in Hungary - under the number of 681/2023. (XII. 29.) -, which establishes an obligation for both waste managing and waste producing companies to obtain a proper environmental liability insurance [...]

New Compulsory Insurance in Hungary – Environmental Pollution2024-01-17T15:18:14+01:00

South Africa – Political & Labour Violence Coverage


South Africa, a country with a multi-faceted history and diverse social challenges, has taken significant legislative steps in recent decades to ensure the safety and protection of its citizens. 2024 is an election year in South Africa, so an increased risk level of volatility is to be expected. In particular, the state insurer SASRIA [...]

South Africa – Political & Labour Violence Coverage2024-01-16T08:35:16+01:00

UAE Regulatory Update: New Unemployment Insurance Scheme


About the Involuntary Loss of Employment Scheme Enacted through Federal Decree Law No. 13 of 2022 on the Involuntary Loss of Employment (ILOE), this distinctive Scheme ensures financial protection for individuals who experience job loss unrelated to disciplinary measures or voluntary resignation until they secure new employment. Eligible individuals stand to receive a monthly [...]

UAE Regulatory Update: New Unemployment Insurance Scheme2024-01-08T14:20:18+01:00

Argentina: New Developments in Reinsurance Tax


As of December 19, 2023, the recently implemented tax on reinsurance remains at a fixed rate of 25% on premiums ceded to overseas reinsurers. However, it is important to note that this percentage exhibits variability among carriers and risks, particularly when compared to the gross premium stated in the policy. The fluctuation is attributed [...]

Argentina: New Developments in Reinsurance Tax2023-12-20T16:38:53+01:00

Recent Revisions to Turkey’s Earthquake Tariff


In recent years, Turkey has witnessed several revisions to its compulsory earthquake tariff, reflecting the dynamic nature of the insurance landscape. These changes are a response to factors such as high inflation, currency fluctuations, and the profound impact of the devastating earthquake in February, which significantly influenced the Turkish insurance market. This article aims [...]

Recent Revisions to Turkey’s Earthquake Tariff2023-12-20T16:33:28+01:00
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