Hotel Information

Special offer:

Hotel Barrie Le Majestic (*****)

265 per Singleroom and

Hotel Barrie Le Gray d Albion (****) 179  per Singleroom per night.

Please send your booking details to with the  code TRC Network Forum 2020. The  Hotel will inform you about your booking  requests. Rooms are reserved until July  30th.You may also check different hotels  near by.

Okko Hotels


Best Western


Hotel America



The airport of Nice is located about  30 minutes by car east of Cannes.

The location address is:

Hotel Barrière Le Majestic Cannes  10 Boulevard de la Croisette 06400  Cannes / France

TRC Members  Conference Registration

TRC Members: Free participation of 2  persons per company

TRC Service Partners: EUR 1000.00  participation fee per attendee

Our Sponsors For 2021