
103, 2021

How COVID Has Shaped the Turkish Insurance Market and NART

The COVID-19 crisis has been a shock for Turkish companies, as it was around the world. The severity and reach of the pandemic have made us all think about what could have been managed better and what lessons can be learned [...]

103, 2021

Inside TRC – Social Responsibility

The consciousness of a company to be part of a local and global society has become, over the last decades, an increasingly important theme. Most companies like to partake and promote various forms of socially beneficial undertakings to take an active [...]

103, 2021

Digital Twins – Taking Your Risk Management to the Next Level!

A digital twin represents a real entity in digital form. It is effectively a replica of physical assets, processes and systems described by data that helps organizations understand, predict and optimise their performance. As an exact digital replica of something in [...]

2602, 2021

Restricted content

In the TRC network, we are pleased to announce that the following international partners have joined the network in 2020. We warmly welcome all new partners and look forward to a successful future and cooperation together. CAC Specialty Founded [...]

2502, 2021

Work From Home Is Not the Future of Work

Why we are not all going to be working from home in the future! As we may be nearing the end of the pandemic, there is no consensus about how the future of work will look like. There is a great [...]

2402, 2021

New Insurance Tax Act in Germany

FINC as a Solution to Avoid Double Taxation in Non-EEA-Countries? The modernization of the Insurance Tax Act passed by German federal parliament in 2020 led to criticism from many German insurance brokers operating internationally. One of the reasons for this is [...]

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